Advanced SEO Techniques That Will Double Your Search Traffic

The importance of using the right SEO or search engine optimization techniques in doubling search traffic cannot be overemphasized.

For individuals who are still fresh to the world of SEO, this article is a great place to pick up the necessary knowledge even if people who are not so new to the SEO world must refresh their knowledge and learn the latest techniques that promise to boost search traffic.

While most articles provide you with generic SEO techniques, you will find that we have provided you the latest SEO techniques to increase your traffic.

What are the SEO Techniques?

Search engine optimization techniques are tactics employed to improve traffic quality and quality to a website page or website. These techniques target organic or unpaid traffic and not paid traffic. Great SEO techniques not only improve site ranking in search engines but can also help boost conversion rate.

Before these techniques are developed and implemented, thorough research is done to understand how search engines operate. The research also studies how computer algorithms influence search engine behavior, what people search for, keywords, and which search engine their target client prefers.

Are our best SEO Practices Available?

SEO practices are classified into two broad classes: white and black SEO techniques.

#1 White Hat SEO Techniques

Search engines recognize these as great optimization techniques. They do not involve any form of deception and conform to the general guidelines of search engines. They feature page contents tailored not just for the search engines but the users also.

Sites that employ white heart SEO techniques feature content that search engines and users find relevant. Due to their conformity with search engine guidelines and regulations, sites featuring white hat SEO techniques often rank high on search engines and run no penalization risk. We advise that you utilize the white hat techniques.

#2 Black Hat SEO Techniques

These are also known as spamdexing. These techniques go against the regulations of search engines. These techniques are aimed at boosting site ranking through tactics frowned upon by search engines. These tactics include:

  • Redirecting users to a page different from the one ranked by the search engine.
  • They were serving one version of the page to search engine spiders/bots and another version to human visitors.
  • They are cloaking the site.
  • Keyword and meta tag stuffing.
  • Incorporate gateway or doorway pages.
  • Mirroring web content.
  • Page hijacking.

Do Advanced SEO Techniques Help Increase Organic Traffic?

Yes, advanced SEO techniques help boost organic traffic to the website. These SEO techniques are inexpensive and highly effective methods that can be used to boost overall site rankings, conversion, and traffic. With the neck-breaking speed at which SEO techniques and their overall effectiveness change, it is important to always stay on top of your game.

How Much Can Organic TrafficBe GetFrom UseAdvanced SEO Techniques?

Numerous researches have shown that more than 50% of traffic experienced by websites originate from search engines. In America alone, close to 80% of individuals search for products on Google before purchasing. Of this 80%, 75% of them never go through search results on the second page. Programming Insider.

With the fast-paced change in SEO techniques and their efficiency in improving traffic, websites need to take advantage of all they have to offer. Adopting the right SEO techniques can improve a site’s search traffic, search ranking, and conversion.

How Can One Boost Search Traffic to Websites or Web Pages?

Before we dive into advanced SEO techniques, we must first conduct an audit of the website in question. This SEO audit will help us detect the issues the website may be facing. Common tools like SEO Yoast and AHREFS allow us to audit your website with ease.

We run a great agency with personnel dedicated to helping you audit your SEO approach. With their help, you can identify the weak areas in your current technique that prevent your website from ranking high on search engines. We check important variables like on-page items and provide insight on off-page variables.

What Are Some Advanced SEO Techniques That Boost Site Traffic?

#1 Ensure the Website Has An SEO Friendly Landing Page

A well-designed landing page helps websites rank higher in searches and boosts the click-through rate. Building a landing page around a specific keyword is smart to boost a site’s ranking and draw traffic. Some tips for designing a good landing page are:

  • Use long-tail keywords and the main keyword.
  • Avoid navigations.
  • Tailor the web content to meet the user’s needs.
  • Come up with a great call to action and position it strategically on the web pages.

#2 Ensure that the Website is Mobile-Friendly –

About 70% of search engine users make their searches from a mobile device. In 2016 Google algorithm was updated with mobile-friendly sites ranking higher than others. One SEO tip to improve search ranking and double search traffic is to ensure that it is designed to open quickly on mobile devices.

The combination of low loading time and quality web content helps improve search traffic to the website—our team of highly-trained personnel helps-design mobile-friendly websites that are optimized for search ranking.

#3 Incorporate Internal Links into Your Website

Your goal is to get users to spend more time on your website, going through your website’s articles. Linking all your content makes your content structure and website more organized. Using this SEO technique helps Google crawl easily through your web content.

#4 Take Advantage of Opportunities Broken Links on High Authority Websites Provide

 It is important to pay attention to building broken links while designing and running any site. Having quality backlinks can improve web pages’ search engine ranking and, consequently, double traffic.

To take advantage of this great backlink, we select websites related to the indicated niche. These chosen websites are trusted or high authority websites.

Once these sites with backlinks have been picked out, we contact the site owner and inform him/her of our intention to use one of their broken external links.

This step is a great way to ensure that the process does not go against search engine guidelines.

#5 Analyze the SEO Strategy of Top Competitors

 If their site consistently ranks better, it is an indication that they are doing something right. Therefore, there is a need to analyze these strong competitors to determine key practices responsible for their high rankings.

It is important to compare their SEO title, contents, Meta description, keywords & backlinks in this analysis. All these help to provide a clearer understanding of why these other websites rank higher on search engines.

#6 Use the Bucket Brigade Copywriting Technique

The contents created must be long and interesting. Studies have shown that fascinating articles or contents are a great way to get users to spend more time on the website.

The bucket brigade technique is a great way to increase the time users spend on a web page. This technique involves the use of a connector between two paragraphs or sentences. This connector helps with the smooth transition from one sentence idea to the next.

#7 Incorporate Link-Worthy Freebies Into the Site

Another great technique is to design the website to incorporate link-worthy freebies into the web pages. These freebies should be worthy of being downloaded, shared, and talked about by the target users.

Link building is essential for SEO so much that it can be difficult to rank high on searches without having a strong link-building profile. Infographics and high-quality, data-driven blog posts are great for link building so long as the focus is always on the content and is not diverted to self-promotion.

#8 Keep Updating Old Web Content

 One great SEO topic of driving traffic is to keep previous posts/contents updated and relevant. The updates could include new trends, facts, figures, and relevant information. This SEO technique helps the website connect to a wider audience, hence, doubling search traffic.

#9 Make Sure the Web Contents Are Rankbrain-Friendly

 To enhance search results and double traffic, one should ensure that the web contents are rank brain-friendly. The rank brain is an algorithm used by Google that helps the search engine access the relevant results.

A great way to make sure the web content is rank brain-friendly to use medium tail keywords. These keywords should be strategically incorporated in content that suits the niche of the target visitors.

#10 Use Less of Text and More of Infographics

In a recent survey, 41.5% of users said that infographics and graphics caught their attention more than texts. Also, websites with data visualizations and charts fared better compared to websites with solely text contents.

Infographics are a wonderful way to simplify complex topics and retain the visitor’s attention. Because they capture the visitor’s attention, they translate to increased conversion and traffic for your site.

#11 Improve the Site’s Loading Speed for SEO

Most website visitors merely skim through websites. Sites that take too long to load affect the website’s user experience negatively. Some of these negative impacts the site user experience will translate in: a decrease in conversion and an increase in bounce rate.

Search engines view web pages that take too long to load as a big red flag. To improve the website’s loading speed, we analyze the factors responsible for slowing down your pages.

Key Takeaways

SEO techniques are essential for the growth of any website. Their incorporation into sites helps increase search traffic, conversion rate, and search ranking. There are two major categories of SEO techniques (White hat and Black hat). The best SEO techniques are those in line with white hat SEO techniques.


Advanced SEO techniques are great for doubling search traffic. When properly incorporated, these techniques can boost the traffic site experiences by as much as 70%. In this article, we have given over ten advanced SEO techniques that help double organic traffic to your site. Take advantage of these techniques today.

About author

Grace P. is a professional content writer at Monify Media who harbors her love for writing and crafting killer social media campaigns. She has worked with top-notch brands and magazines, which shows off her professionalism. When she's not typing blog posts, you can find her lounging in her bed or enjoying burritos.
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