Social Media

7 Most Amazing YouTube Videos Optimization Tools to Boost Your Reach

YouTube is an online platform where people can share or watch videos related to different topics. Two types of users use it, and one is the video creator, that is, the one who creates videos and uploads them on his/ her YouTube channels. And the other one is the video viewers, that is, the one who watches the videos interacts and subscribes to them.

Okay, before we introduce you to the latest tools used to enhance your content’s reach, let us introduce you to a few basic techniques for optimizing your videos for the best outreach:

YouTube video optimization techniques:

#1 Title:

The title of your video should be catchy, crisp, and with the most popular keywords for better SEO rankings. It should be about 5 to 6 words to make it easier for the YouTube algorithm to scour through the Internet for relevant content.

#2 Description:

The description can become a boon for your video if written mindfully. It helps both YouTube and Google understand your video’s content, and it appears more often in the suggestion box.

#3 Tags:

Well, we can’t just ignore tags, can we? Tags are super relevant overall social media platforms. It helps the algorithm categorize your videos and, well, gives it better ratings. More ratings, more views, right?

The one who uploads videos needs to use a few tools to optimize their videos and enhance their reach globally.  Here are seven excellent tools that are required:

YouTube Search Filters

This tool must be used before creating a video to check the other similar videos. The built-in search engine of YouTube gives a better idea of the direction in which one should take his videos.

One must check for the top-ranking keywords, description, thumbnails, tags, etc., of similar videos and find out why they are highly ranked. Innovative ideas must be taken from them and must be applied.

YouTube Search Auto-Suggest

To pull the traffic toward one’s site, one must use a long-tail keyword. For this purpose, he can use the YouTube Auto-Suggest Feature, where on typing a short-tailed keyword appropriate for one’s niche, this tool will suggest a long-tailed keyword in that niche itself, that people search for most often.

Another tool for this purpose is SEO chat. This takes the “base” search term and adds each letter of the alphabet after it to give a full picture of all long-tailed keywords that one can rank for.


It is a keyword research tool that gives detailed insight into what the competitors are doing, which can further help one, ranking his videos high in search.

There are some features of SerpStat.

  • It allows us to collect attractive, long-tailed, and profitable keywords in a particular niche.
  • It also helps in determining the value of the keyword such as cost-per-click, competition level in google, and more.
  • It can be used to analyze the keyword trend; that is, one can see if a term is becoming more popular, only appears at a specific time of the year, or any other trend, and can plan better ad for the campaigns.
  • One can use this tool to search which of one’s YouTube videos are more relevant to a search topic than the other competing pages.

Google Plus/ Explore

With this tool’s help, one can get a step ahead in the optimization of his YouTube video and enhance the reach. Google Explore helps by giving a complete picture of the conversation among the targeted audience. From those conversations, one can uncover the trendy topics and create content that is more likely to be searched both on YouTube and google.


Cyfe is a business dashboard that lets one view his content marketing data in one place, like the number of times his business name has been mentioned in social media. A custom dashboard can be created within Cyfe for the YouTube keyword search. For example, monitoring Twitter search, Google Plus search result,


It offers a range of video marketing tools that helps business owners to build a loyal audience through YouTube. By tagging the right people, one’s videos can rank high, and Vidiq can increase the library of tags.

Here are a few other features that Vidiq has:

#1 Maximizing Organic Reach

The majority of viewers of any YouTube video arrive there through search results or related videos. This way, one can create content for high-volume keywords that don’t have a lot of competition yet.

#2 Engaging With The Audience

The more one interacts with the audience, the more connected they will feel with them. This can impact the bottom line, as well.

#3 Tracking Social Conversations

Vidiq has features to help one track what the audience is saying about one’s brand across all social platforms, including Twitter and Facebook. That way, one can see who’s sharing his content, where one is getting traction outside of YouTube, and where to invest one’s marketing efforts.


It is another fantastic tool that is used to manage YouTube channels. TubeBuddy provides optimizing, promotion, and management tools as well as advanced analytics tools. Another unique feature of this tool is that its features are loaded within YouTube’s site.

Hence, the user experience fits within the existing workflow, plus TubeBuddy shows which video tags one is already ranking well for and which cards one should be taking advantage of in future videos.

Here are some other features that they offer to help you improve one’s YouTube SEO:

#1 Captions Service

Professionally transcribed captions can increase the number of views you get on your videos by 7.3%. Transcriptions can make your videos accessible to a broader audience—opportunity finder. Based on the YouTube search traffic and channel performance, TubeBuddy automatically finds opportunities to take advantage of outside of YouTube.

#2 Video A/B Tests

Many different variables can affect the success of one’s YouTube channel. One must consider video thumbnails, tags, descriptions, titles, and more. TubeBuddy lets A/B test all of these to see precisely what changes correlate to increased search traffic.

#3 Best Practice Audit

TubeBuddy’s best practice audit helps make sure that one is not making any mistakes when uploading videos.

Other tools for YouTube video optimization

Some other free tools that could be used are:

#1 Canva

It is a graphic designing platform that gives you all the tools you require to create professional and catchy graphics from scratch. It provides beautiful thumbnails, which gets you more clicks. Sounds good?

#2 Google Trends

Well, it wouldn’t hurt to tailor your content a little bit according to the viewer’s demand, right? Google trends come in handy at this point, which provides you with the most popular material being watched around you. All you have to do is mention YouTube search, pick a location and category to concentrate the results. It’s free for use, so it comes as a side perk.

#3 YouTube Analytics

It helps you know everything about your YouTube channel ( kind of like the YouTube polymath). It identifies the weak and strong areas of your videos. It analyses all your videos, listing which once drew more subscribers and had a more significant impact.

It also gets you to watch time on each of your videos so that you know which ones got more audience retention and, therefore, higher SEO rankings. This is a free tool, so there’s no reason to say no.

#4 Drum Up

It is both mobile and web applications For the curation of content. It helps you discover more content, refreshed every day on a given set of keywords. It also assists you in the management of all social media platforms. The downfall is that it is a bit pricey, so it is recommended to go for the free trial before use.

#5 Camtasia

Camtasia is a screen recording and video editing tool. This tool will let you record the screen, which will make it more professional rather than you shooting the screen with your mobile phone or camera.

When you try to explain something without any video, it will not make an impact. With this tool, you can record your screen, edit it and also add effects. It’s a great tool for creating video tutorials as you can add notes, highlights, arrows, and captions.

The special feature of this tool is you can speak and record it either while recording the video or add it after recording with the help of a voice narration option. You can also add music or other audio effects to it.


As the name suggests, it is a keyword research app that helps you to filter results by keywords, hashtags, or prepositions. This app is a useful tool as it helps you to find the right keyword to optimize the traffic. It will give you information regarding search volume, competition, trend,s etc.


Making YouTube videos requires a lot of things to be taken into consideration. Apart from creating high-quality videos, tagging the right people, creating keyword-rich descriptions, and encouraging people to share and subscribe to the videos after watching plays a vital role.

Additionally, you should also learn from the successful uploaders found not only on YouTubers also on platforms like Vimeo, Dailymotion, Instagram, etc. You could download their videos of them using the Dailymotion video downloader and reference their styles and ways for some useful tips. But for being a successful YouTuber, these seven tools can be handy.

About author

Ellie Bennington can usually be found reading a book, and that book will more likely than not be a romantic fantasy. Writing a novel was always on her bucket list, and soon, it will become a reality. When not absorbed in the latest heartwarming page-turner, Ellie loves cooking, knits very badly, enjoys riding her Vespa around town, and otherwise spends far too much time at the computer on sites like 4Hub. She lives in the States, with her sister and cute little kitten named Zazzles.
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