Are you using YouTube videos on your website?
Are you sure the videos are playing their role?
Here are some quick tips which will ensure the YouTube videos on your website are completely optimized and of value addition to your business.
In social media, you will get more than billions of videos shared on the daily basis. Videos have become the new marketing trend and people land up investing a huge amount in it.
According to the Fortunelords”, Almost 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every single day. YouTube gets over 30 million visitors per day.” So, if you are not doing it, better to start now!
#1: Video targeting
Did you know targeting is applicable on YouTube also? You can target according to the demographics, behavior, device preference, and geographic locations?
According to the YouTube statistical reports (
- Gender: Female users are 38% and male users are 62%.
- Age group: User Percentage by Age 18-24 – 11%, 25-34 – 23%, 35-44 – 26%, 45-54 – 16%, 50-64 – 8%, 65+ – 3%, unknown age – 14%.
You should have a clear understanding of who is my ideal customer. If you are aware of gender and age group you can make the video which they use to watch. It’s always better to show what people want to see, not what your business is trying to sell.
How to set the location targeting?
You can go to the YouTube video manager and edit the uploaded video. You will see the option ‘Advanced Settings’, go to the option and click on the video location. Add your location in the box.

This helps in getting quality views. You should focus on 100 quality views instead of 10K views. These views could help you increase the leads and grow your business. Focused marketing always has greater ROI.
#2: YouTube keyword research
If you are a marketer, you know the value of keywords in digital marketing. YouTube also works like a search engine. You should do keyword research for that too. You have to understand what people looking for, which topics they are engaged with.
How to do keyword research for YouTube?
Step 1: You can use AdWords keyword planner tool to see check the search terms and volume. You can make a list of possible keyword for your business.
Here you pick the keywords with medium competition.
Step 2:
You should use Google Trends to see if the keyword is in trend or not. You can get detailed information about the search term such as searches in a particular location, related trending terms, and latest updates about it.
Step 3: YouTube Instant shows your keyword suggestions. You can check the number of search results for each term. Lower the competition higher are the chances of getting views.
You can fine-tune the search term, according to the data you received from the steps above.
#3: YouTube video code optimization
When you added a YouTube video to your site, have you ever noticed a lot of interruptions such as the title, links, and other video suggestions? If your answer is yes, then you must have to optimize your YouTube video right away!
Let me explain you why…
The titles, links, other video suggestions can navigate the audience from your website to another site. By default, YouTube provides iframe code for embedding the video on the website. But if you could follow the hacks below, you can reduce the distractions from your YouTube video.
Remove YouTube video border: You can remove this line by simply adding following parameter in your iframe code.
For example, you got the code of the video to embed in the site from YouTube: <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
You can add — ?rel=0&showinfo=0&autohide=1 to remove all the distractions from the video.
Modified code will be: <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
Remove the video suggestions at the end of the video: ‘rel’ is the parameter who shows the suggested videos at the end of the video. To stop this related video suggestion feature you can simply add the parameter: ?rel=0
By doing this you can protect your visitors from seeing unwanted videos on your website.
Here is the list ( of all the parameters you can apply to customize your YouTube video.
#4: YouTube Title optimization to increase visibility by 50%
Now, you have to make sure that your YouTube video title and description is aligned with your goals.
YouTube allows you to create a title up to 100 characters. But do you know, your title gets truncated after 70 chars?
Then what you should do?
YouTube Title: You should write a YouTube title short and crisp. 50 chars are enough to create a catchy headline for your YouTube video. You can add the following elements in your headline:
- Long-tail keywords: Search engine marketing guide for beginners
- Question form: How to start search engine marketing from the beginning?
- Numeric: # numbers of techniques for search engine marketing for beginners
- Solution-based: Search engine marketing guide to get 25% higher results
- Case-based: How XYZ increased the leads by using search engine marketing guide?
You can be as creative as you want. You can experiment with the titles, by simply editing the video content from the video manager.
#5: YouTube description optimization
When you upload YouTube video, treat YouTube description as a great opportunity to increase views. YouTube works like another search engine. It goes to the title and description check for the most relevant terms and arranges it in the results.
You can leverage your YouTube video by adding some special ingredients in the description.
Here is how you should start…
You should be aware of the fact that YouTube allows you to add more than 1000’s of characters, but only 2 lines are visible to the viewer to get an idea as to what exactly the view contains.
You can take the advantage of adding more important value props in 1st two lines. You should add the link to your website and other media channels in these two lines.
It doesn’t mean the other part of the description can be ignored. You can create a keyword-rich description that could capture a lot of searches.
After optimizing the video you are ready to run a YouTube campaign.
A lot of tips and tricks are available online, but most of them are outdated now. So, I would suggest not to read the old stuff and try experimenting with YouTube by yourself. You will see some crazy results by applying these simple tricks for your video optimizations. I will always share cool stuff that I found my readers might be interested in.
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