Social Media

How to Optimize Facebook Landing Pages To Boost Your Conversions

Landing pages make or break the sale. It is the offer that your customers see before they purchase your product.  And It is the only chance for you to persuade your customers to buy your product or service from that single web page.

Facebook Ads in 2020 are a great way to advertise your products as billions of users log in every day checking their newsfeed and you can show your target audience your specific product and service. It’s when they click on your advertisement is when they will be able to see your landing page and your only shot at converting them.

The best practice businesses should use to convert customers is the long-form landing page as they can generate up to 220% more leads for your business.

In this article, I will show you the key components of a high-converting landing page and how you can use it for your business to increase your conversions and sales.

I will go through the following:

  1. Crafting An Effective Headline
  2. Showing An Effective Testimonial
  3. How To Craft A Video Sales Letter
  4. Increasing Your Chances For An Ad-Compliant Landing Page
  5. Best Landing Page Examples 2020

Highlight your biggest benefit in your headlines

Your headline is the most important part of any landing page because it is the very first thing that readers see when they land on your page.

That’s why the best way to grab your customer’s attention is by highlighting the biggest benefit you can give them when they buy your product or service.

Here is an example of a great headline that is used by this landing page below…

1-example of a great headline

The biggest benefit that she is telling you is that you will get 2 years of email content so that your email subscribers will always have content making them want to buy from you.

Here is why it is a great headline:

  • It is specific (104 weeks or 2 years of emails)
  • It uses the word “you” to engage with the customer”
  • It gives the feeling that it’s easy to do (“email content all planned out for you…)
  • It tells you why you should have this product (it will make email subscribers want to buy from you…)

Having a powerful headline will make people curious and read more of your landing page which is the entire goal of the headline.

When they read more of your sales page then you have a higher chance of converting your customer.

The other reason why I like this landing page is that she makes the CTA easy to read and very specific.

She also uses a sub-headline using her target customer’s language (nurtured and profitable) that they would easily understand.

Start crafting an effective headline to grab your customer’s attention and read the rest of your landing page for your ad.

How to craft the most effective testimonials for your landing page

Testimonials are one of the best ways to showcase social proof for any product or service. Testimonials are proof that someone has tried your product and that they enjoyed it enough to share it with other people.

What many businesses end up doing though is that they like to copy and paste a quote on their landing page without an image and with many scams nowadays it doesn’t look like a real review anymore.

That’s why to make an effective testimonial what you would need to do is ask your customers for a video testimonial. A video testimonial is a lot harder to fake compared to a block quote and it also makes your product look even better.

Take a look at the image below on how this landing page utilized testimonials for their campaign…

2-landing page utilized testimonials for their campaign


He opened the headline not with “Testimonials” but with “Thousands of People Around The World Are Using The 30-Day Challenge To Grow Their Business…” and frames it that more people are using the product.

Next, he uses an Instagram style video where he displays the biggest benefit as the top quote on the video. He only makes the video only 40 seconds because they understand that people have short attention spans and will not watch the whole video.

And even better is that he added captions for the people who like to browse through landing pages on mute so that they would be able to understand his review.

Adding video testimonials to your landing page will skyrocket your conversions for your next ad campaign.

Adding a video sales letter with a CTA above the fold

Adding a video sales letter with a call to action (the button to buy your product) is another great way to distinguish yourself from competitors.

Many people like to digest information in multiple ways such as:

  • Writing
  • Audio
  • Visual

Video uses two of those components for people who want to learn about the product in a visual or audio manner.

Here’s how an effective landing page uses one for their business…

3-effective landing page uses one for their business

They put a video sales letter right below the headline and create a sense of urgency claiming the offer “expires soon.”

Then they highlight that there is social proof saying that people prefer this resource over others and have an eye-attracting red box surrounding the video.

This shows that the focus of your eyes will be drawn to watch this sales letter.

And finally, the last thing they do right is they put a call to action right below the video and above the fold of the website so that people who watch this video can buy the product at any time.

If I had to give one critique to this website it would be that they should add captions to their video for people who just want to read and watch.

Consider doing a video sales letter for your product and adding it above the fold as it shows that there is a human element to selling this service.

Increasing your chances of creating an ad-compliant landing page

Facebook is extremely strict in 2020 on what gets approved on their advertisement platform. I highly recommend checking their Ad policies to give you the best chance to get your ad approved.

Although sometimes your ad may get disapproved on their platform and Facebook and doesn’t clearly explain why sometimes.
The general guideline is this:

Facebook wants to create a safe and engaging space for its users including the type of advertisements shown.

That’s why it is important for you to:

  • Make your landing page congruent with what you offer on your ad
  • Explicitly tell your customers what they are getting and how much it is
  • Show complete transparency that you are a legitimate business willing to help them.

Here’s a good example of an ad that does this…

4-good example of an ad

This connects to the landing page which looks like this…

5-landing page that has high conversion

You can see that this ad uses the same headline on it’s landing page so that customers who land on it know what to expect.

Facebook wants to have a seamless and amazing experience for its users and that means that the landing page makes sense when they click on your advertisement.

Have outside links linking to your business and support page

This is one of the many things that business owners aren’t aware of when they try to put their landing pages as it isn’t explicitly stated in their ad policy but something that Facebook wants.

Facebook does not like dead-end landing pages and wants you to be completely transparent with your business and wants you to link to your business website and contact page if the users have any questions.

This is because Facebook doesn’t want to advertise shady businesses with no contact support and wants to make sure that whatever Facebook advertises is something the users could find value and find support if necessary.

This also doesn’t hurt your page conversions as much as it builds a lot of trust and authenticity to your business.

That’s why it is good practice for you to include links that lead back to your website to increase your chances of your landing page getting approved like below…

6-effective landing page best practices

This landing page does a great job by linking to multiple places such as:

  • Terms and Conditions
  • Privacy Policy
  • Product Disclaimer
  • Information Disclaimer
  • Contact

This clearly shows how transparent you need to be when advertising on Facebook and increases your chances of getting your ad approved.

It tells the customer that if they purchase this product that they can contact support if they have any questions.

Not only that but it clearly shows that there is another website that owns this landing page and explicitly says that this is not endorsed by Facebook in any way.

What this is communicating to Facebook is that customers who see this will understand that this is not affiliated with Facebook in any way and Facebook likes that transparency on your landing pages.

Add this to the bottom of your landing page and it will be much more likely for you to get your landing page approved by Facebook.

The best practices for creating landing pages in 2020 (with examples)

The components of every landing page that converts have the following:

  • A headline that grabs their attention
  • Benefits about the product
  • Social proof
  • Call to action

That’s why to craft a great landing page you have to get every essential part right. That’s why I am going to show you some landing pages that can convert in 2020.

Here’s an example of a great landing page below…

7-example of a great landing page

This landing page has the following:

  • A headline that attracts people wanting to make money
  • Benefits about why you should buy this product
  • Social proof
  • CTA to buy this product
  • Complete transparency on the bottom that this is not endorsed by Facebook.

Here’s another example of a different but great converting landing page on Facebook…

8-great converting landing page on Facebook


This landing page is targeting people who want to advertise their business on Tik Tok.

The reason why this landing page is great is that:

  • It has a headline that attracts their target audience
  • The design is very clean and easy to digest
  • It shows an image of what you can do with your business
  • It has benefits as sub-headlines about why you should join
  • Multiple CTA throughout the page for whenever you are ready to sign up

Both of these landing pages have different styles but work for them as they are targeting different people.

Use the main key components for a converting landing page for your business and experiment to see which one works best for you.


Having an effective landing page is useful for any business that wants to generate sales using Facebook Advertisements. Having the tool to have a potential billion users see what you have to offer and crafting it in a specific and effective manner will tremendously increase the profits for your business.

In this article, I showed you how to craft an effective headline for your business and why it is one of the most important elements for any Facebook page. I have also shown you how to show your testimonials in the most effective way to showcase your product.

I then elaborated why having a video sales letter is a powerful way to help increase conversions and most importantly I showed a technique that exponentially increases the chance for your ad to be approved by Facebook.

And finally, I showed you the key components in a converting landing page and some examples which you can use as inspiration.

If you want to improve your knowledge in using the Facebook interface system you can also check out our article on custom audiences and retargeting to exponentially increase your sales.

What tip did you find the most helpful in crafting your landing page? Let us know in the comments below.

About author

Anthony Nebel is a copywriter, website designer, and freelancer that helps business owners make more sales by improving their existing website. He uses his 4+ years of digital marketing experience to leverage the right marketing hacks to help local business owners level up their marketing game
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